Water marbling, first attempt
>> Thursday, January 29, 2009
Today I finally got the water marbling technique right and I was able to do all my nails using it.
Here's my masterpiece:
Sadly all of the nails weren't that excellent. If you must see, here are all of my nails:
As you can see I tried out some different styles and techniques. The polishes that I used were Maybelline's French White and China Glaze's Rich and famous. After I had finished with my marbling and cleaned my fingers (there was plenty of polish to wipe off!) I used one coat of Anytime's Sparkling fizz to add a little sparkle.
If you want to learn about water marbling just type it to the Youtube and you will find many informative videos.
I think you did an awesome job with this! It looks like peppermint candies the way it swirled on your nails :)
Thank you, Brooke. It really does look like those, didn't notice at first. :)
Coool !
Tosi kivat! Täytyisi joskus kokeilla tuotakin, oliko kovin sotkuista puuhaa?
Amabile: Oli kyllä ikävän sotkuista dipata sormia veteen. Lakkaa oli ympäriinsä lopuksi. Vinkkinä marmorointia kokeileville: Kannattaa teipata esim. maalarinteipillä sormet kynsirajasta muutama sentti alaspäin, jolloin sotkuja on helpompi siivota. Senkun ottaavan teipit pois ja siistii sormien kärjet. Muuten on paaaljon siistittävää. :)
I love this! I don't know why you think they don't look good. To me there is continuity when they are viewed together :o)
Thank you for sharing ;o)
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